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Privacy Policy

Train World Pty Ltd is an Australian company (Train World Pty Ltd, Train World, TW, We or Us) whose core business is Trains, Model Trains and the retailing and the providing of services in relation to Trains.  This includes the buying, selling and the provision of services in regards to anything train, railway, railroad, tram or transportation based including models, trains sets, locomotives, carriages, rolling stock, track, books, CDs, DVDs, badges, posters, digital, magazines, electrical, tools, paints, scenic materials, spare parts, accessories and scratchbuilding materials be they new, used, second-hand or on commission.  In conducting its business Train World, its staff and administration will work and strive to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

1.We respect your privacy.

1.1       Train World Pty Ltd and its staff respects your right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers and website visitors to the best of our ability.

1.2       “Personal information” is information we hold which is indentifiable as being about you.

1.3       “Personal information” we receive may include your name, your address, your phone number, your mobile number, your fax number, your email address and the form of payment.

1.4       The Australian Company, Train World Pty Ltd (ABN) of 290 Bay Street Brighton North Victoria Australia 3186 , is the controller of all collected and personal data that you submit to us and is the entity responsible for all personal data collected.

1.5       All data and personal information is only used and processed within the shop environment.

1.6       Within the shop environments includes the physical shop, the physical shop premises, the registered office of Train World Pty Ltd, where the shop trades at physical locations and where the shops trades as a physical presence at exhibitions, displays, trade shows, retail shows and promotional shows and exhibitions.

1.7       Train World Pty Ltd does not give away, trade, sell, swap or provide personal information or data of its customers to any outside or third parties.  The only exception is in cases of warranty, guarantee, returns to manufacturers, repairs and refunds.  In these cases only minimum personal information is provided to enable the warranty, guarantee, refund, fix or repair to take place and be enabled.


2 . Collection of personal information

2.1       Train World Pty Ltd collects or receives personal information from you directly or from an agent or representative via mail, fax, email, online services, phone or that is given to us directly and in person

2.2       Train World Pty Ltd may also collect personal information due to  information you provide us in the course of doing sales, account or an online transaction be it directly, on the phone, via email or via an online service provider such as Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal

2.3       Train World Pty Ltd may store personal details and data given by you to create and maintain an account with Train World Pty Ltd as well as to facilitate purchases.  That information will include your name, full name, personal address, mailing address, work address, state, post code, country, phone number, mobile number and email address.  The only information recorded is the information you provide and/or request to be placed on the account. This information is stored on a data base that is only accessible in store and by staff.

2.4       Train World Pty Ltd only stores or holds data for accounts, purchases, orders, payments, lay bys, holds, online purchases, online enquiries, online orders and as requested by you the customer. Note if purchasing online the online facilitator or service provider may store or keep data.

2.5       Email, Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal and all internet and on-line ordering and purchasing data is only held in the format in which it is received and only within the store/shop environment.  All printed matter and information that is produced in a printed format for ordering, purchasing, packing and postal purposes is shredded after the transaction has been completed.

2.6       All items that are purchased and mailed out are recorded in a goods out book if over seas in an overseas goods out book and also on a registered goods a data base if the goods are sent registered mail.  The information stored is the date of the transaction, your name, the address the goods have been sent to, a phone number or mobile number, the amount of the sale and if registered the registration number.  This record is kept in store for up to 7 years.  This data is only available to staff in the store.

2.7       Train World Pty Ltd does not collect, share, swap, trade, buy or sell personal information from unassociated entities, second or third parties.


  1. How we collect your personal information

3.1       Train World Pty Ltd collects personal information from interactions with you the customer through communications, purchases, sales, accounts and other transactions.

3.2       Train World Pty Ltd also attains personal information via communications that include mail, fax, email, phone calls, the internet, online sales and personal interactions

3.3       All information collected comes from you directly or from an agent or representative that you have nominated and or permitted to do so.

3.4       This data is only stored within the store environment.

3.5       Data storage is only in the form of an account, a purchase, an order, a payment, a hold, a lay by and freight/postage details.

3.6       Data is only stored and held on the store computer (which is not connected to the internet), emails are only held on the store internet account and on the internet computer and freight/postage data is only stored in the goods out book,  if registered in the registered post data base,  if shipped overseas it may also be stored in an overseas registry and if the order is via Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal or online details will also be stored in the relevant registry for that form of purchase.

3.7       All data, registries and computers are kept within the store environment.

3.8       See section 5 eCommerce regarding online purchases and activities.


  1. Use of Personal Information

4.1       Train World Pty Ltd uses personal information to enable us to interact with you via phone, fax, email, mail or online.

4.2       Train World Pty Ltd uses personal information to enable you to complete transactions with us such as purchases, sales, account purchases, account payments, holds, lay by and orders.

4.3       Train World Pty Ltd as per 2.7 does not sell, buy, trade or swap personal information with outside and third parties.

4.4       Train World Pty Ltd stores personal information in Customer accounts, in purchases data base and in the freight in and freight out journals.

4.5       Train World Pty Ltd does not give out personal information unless

  1. a. requested by you the customer
  2. b. required for freight, courier or postage purposes.
  3. c. when or if required to do so by law.

4.6       Train World is not liable or responsible for any personal information you may share online with any third party or online provider whilst completing any transaction.  This includes Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal or any online payment or card facilitator.

4.7       Due to some statutory requirements Train World Pty Ltd may store some data and transactions for up to 7 years.  This relates directly to receipts, invoices, purchases, payments, freight and postage.  These are filed and stored safely and are destroyed after 7 years.

4.8       Personal information may be used, if required, to allow goods to be sent and posted, chase up accounts, lay bys, account payments, outstanding payments, outstanding product, orders and errant transactions.

4.9       Basic personal information may be used to enable and process warranties, guarantees, refunds, fixes and repairs with manufacturer, producer, distributor or repairer of the goods or products involved.  Refusal in writing to use your data in the processing of a warranty, guarantee, fix or repair is available to you but may result in the denial or refusal of that warranty, guarantee, fix or repair.


5.eCommerce and online activity

5.1       As a “rule” the company, Train World Pty Ltd, does not allow outside parties access to its data, (See 12.2) but in the case of eCommerce and online activity such as Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal and other eCommerce and online sites the company, Train World Pty Ltd, has no control over their policies, data retention, privacy policies, data retention, cookies and built in checks and balances for safe purchasing activity and fraud control.

5.2       When using online and eCommerce platforms to purchase such as Shopify, eBay, Paypal and ABE Books the customer should first check the policies of the eCommerce platform and should they have any concerns the customer should check the policies of the platform concerned before using it for purchases.  For example “Shopify” does pass information to a second party for the purposes of security and fraud detection.

5.3       The eCommerce or online platform may collect IP address, browser type, internet service provider, device information, may use trackers and cookies and could be using analytics and statistical collection via Google or Facebook.  This is not the company, Train World, but by purchasing via an online and eCommerce site data and information may be collected and used by the provider and should you have concerns you should contact the platform and/or provider. (See 4.3)

5.4       To utilise online purchasing and the online platform or eCommerce there is often a second and third party involved for plug in applications that may require customer data.  This could be for activation, purchases, security and fraud prevention but is outside the control and scope of the company and should you have concern again please contact the platform or eCommerce provider who should have their own privacy policy and safe guards in place.  For example Shopify has information regarding privacy and legal terms on line

5.5          The only online and eCommerce information and data that the company, Train World, is concerned with is the customer’s name, address, mailing address, phone numbers, email address, contact details, City/Suburb, country, postcode and purchase details.  This information is collected to enable a transaction to take place, to allow an account to be created if required, to allow the sending and postage of the purchase and to allow follow up and chasing of all purchases, when they were sent, to where they were sent and the means by which they were sent.  As stated previously this data, delivery and send details, can be kept for up to 7 years and at the very least will be held until item is delivered, the delivery is confirmed and that there are no further situations or issues to arise.

5.6          If your data or details are on the site or are record or held on the site, online or eCommerce site, the customer will need to contact the provider should have any questions about their personal data or details held and can request it be removed should they wish.  This is not the responsibility or within the scope of the company, Train World.

5.7       Train World uses Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal as on line services and online service providers and facilitators to allow us to do online business with our customer.  We use these services in good faith believing that they have security, checks and balances, protection and the privacy policies in place to protect our business, to protect who we do business, who we do business with and to protect our customers.  These entities are well known and well respected and we expect them to have the required policies and securities in place and as such Train World does not take responsibility or take any liability for what these entities do with the data and details they collect and like our customers we expect them to have what is required in place to protect Train World and the customer.

5.8       Train World may use information, details or data provided by the online service provider and facilitator for the purposes of checks and balances, confirmation of details, confirmation of data, confirmation of activity and to ensure data and activity is correct.

5.9       The company, Train World, has a face book site and face book is used as a link.  Those accessing Train World via face book or a face book link should be aware that face book does collect data and details.  This is not the responsibility of the company, Train World, and is not within the company’s control.  Face book has a business model based on the on-selling of customer data, activity and what they access.  Train World, the company, does not condone this nor participate in such activity.


6 .  F o r c e  Ma j e u r e

6.1       The Company will not be liable for a policy breach due to any matter or thing beyond the Company’s control (including but not limited to unlawful entry, hacking, break ins, fire, flood, earthquake, acts of God, strikes, lock-outs, wars, riots or civil commotion, intervention or public authority, explosion or accident).


7 .   W a i v e r  o f  B r e a c h

7.1       No failure by the Company to insist on strict performance of any of this policy is a Waiver of any right or remedy which the Company may have, and is not a waiver or any subsequent breach or default by the Customer.


8 .  N o   A s s i g n m e n t

8.1       Neither the policy, nor any rights under the policy may be assigned by the Customer without the prior written consent of the Company, which is at the Company’s absolute discretion.


9 .  S e v e r a b i l i t y

9.1       If any provision contained in this policy is held by a court to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions are not affected.


  1. Who can access yourdata.

10.1     The data is only available within the store environment.

10.2     Only a staff member of Train World pty Ltd is able to access the data

10.3     The data may only be shared or used within the shop environment for the purposes of providing you a service and to facilitate orders, purchases, payments, lay bys, holds and chasing up accounts.

10.5     The only personal data to leave the shop will be your name, address and contact details in the form of a letter, package, parcel, box or carton that is being sent to you.

10.6     No one outside staff, sales and administration, within the store has access to your data.


  1. Your Rights

11.1     You have the right not to provide any data or personal information and as such we are unable to do business.

11.2     By providing your information and personal data you are providing us with the data to store and to enable us to interact and do business.

11.3     You have the right to request the information and personal data we have stored about you.  This information will only be provided to you in person, over the phone or via email once we have confirmed it is you and you alone with whom we are communicating.

11.4     You have the right to change and update your information and data that we hold after your identity has been confirmed.  Previous data may still be held for up to 7 years.

11.5     The data held by Train World Pty Ltd is not portable, we will not transfer it, provide it or use it outside of normal interactions and store based activities.

11.6     You have the right to request the erasure of all personal data held by Train World Pty Ltd once all interactions, sales, purchases, orders and payments have been completed and fulfilled BUT all data pertaining to goods in (items sent) and goods out (items received) will be held for a minimum of 12 months and up to 7 years as required by law.

11.7     You have the right to refuse, in writing, the providing of your personal details for the purpose of warranty, guarantee, refund, fix or repair to the manufacturer, producer, distributor or repairer involved but in doing so you may forfeit the right to attain or get the item dealt with under the terms of the warranty, guarantee, fix or repair.

11.8     The exercising of your rights must be in writing and provided by mail or email.  The email address is and the mailing address is PO Box 2100 Brighton North Victoria Australia 3186.

11.9     For all online activities and online purchases the online service provider and facilitator, such as Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal will collect details and data and it is your right to contact them regarding this.


  1. Marketing

12.1     Train World Pty Ltd may use the data it has, your personal data, to contact you directly about an order, purchase, payment, lay by, hold or for direct marketing purposes pertaining to Train World Pty Ltd only

12.2     Train World Pty Ltd does not allow access to the data it keeps in store for any outside party or third party for any reason other than to facilitate a transaction, to allow freight or postage or as directed by an authority or court order.  If doing business or purchasing online please not the online platform, facilitator or eCommerce site that facilitates an online transaction or purchase will most likely collect data and details for reasons of security, protection and fraud detection.

12.3     Train world does not provide data to any outside marketing entity.  Note if using online services (Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal and others) the provider may collect data to enable activity to proceed or to protect the activity.

12.4     You have the right to object and to restrict direct marketing by Train World Pty Ltd and this must be done in writing.

12.5     Direct marketing by Train World Pty Ltd can be in the form of a mail out, marketing included with your purchase and marketing sent via email


  1. Data Protection

13.1     Train World Pty Ltd takes the protection of data and your personal information very seriously.  All staff are informed and trained to protect data and your personal information.  No data or personal information leaves the shop environment with the exception of your name, address for freight and postage reasons.

13.2     Data protection refers to all details and data held by Train World and does not apply to data ore details collected by any online provider or facilitator such as Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal

13.3     No data held by Train World is processed outside the shop environment.

13.4     Should you feel that there is an issue with data protection you are free to contact Train World Pty Ltd directly via email, via mail to PO Box 2100 Brighton North Victoria Australia 3186 and via phone during normal trading hours on +61 3 9596-6342.

13.5     Train World Pty Ltd has no control or power over online activities and the providers and facilitators of online activities and purchases such as Shopify, eBay, ABE, Biblio, Bookshops, Books and Collectibles or Paypal.  Any data or details collected by these parties is subject to their own laws and privacy policies.  Train World has no responsibility nor any liablity inferred or implied regarding the actions and activities of online services providers and facilitators.  They will have their own guidlines, policies and privacy policies that you the customer and consumer can check, read and question.


  1. Updates

14.1     Train World Pty Ltd reserves the right to update this privacy policy at any time at it’s discretion when required by authorities, laws or circumstances.

14.2     Any change or modification will be available online within 7 days of the change taking place.


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