Free Standard Shipping For All Orders Over $200 (Australian online orders only), all locomotives are tested and have been opened.
PLM-PD2031037 Powerline VSF Bogie Louvre Van #VSF-1037 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD2031038 Powerline VSF Bogie Louvre Van #VSF-1038 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD2031039 Powerline VSF Bogie Louvre Van #VSF-1039 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD205803 Powerline VLEX Bogie Louvre Van #VLEX-803 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD205808 Powerline VLEX Bogie Louvre Van #VLEX-808 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD205812 Powerline VLEX Bogie Louvre Van #VLEX-812 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD205937 Powerline VLEX Bogie Louvre Van #VLEX-937 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD208813 Powerline VLEY Bogie Louvre Van #VLEY-813 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD208822 Powerline VLEY Bogie Louvre Van #VLEY-822 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD208849 Powerline VLEY Bogie Louvre Van #VLEY-849 VR HO Scale
PLM-PD208986 Powerline VLEY Bogie Louvre Van #VLEY-986 VR HO Scale
SEM-R04E Steam Era Models *Kit* VR U-Type Louvre-Van with Original Lever Handbrake Rigging HO Scale
SEM-R04L Steam Era Models *Kit* VR U-Type Louvre-Van with Modernised Lever Handbrake Rigging HO Scale
SEM-R04W Steam Era Models *Kit* VR U-Type Louvre-Van with Wide-Doors & Wheel-Handbrake HO Scale
SEM-R09B Steam Era Models *Kit* VR UB-Type Louvre-Van with Bar-Frame Bogies (1958-Withdrawal) HO Scale
SEM-R09C Steam Era Models *Kit* VR UB-Type Louvre-Van with 40-Ton Cast-Steel Bogies (1973-Withdrawal) HO Scale
SEM-R09D Steam Era Models *Kit* VR UB-Type Louvre-Van with Swing-Motion Diamond-Frame Bogies (1955-1960) HO Scale
SEM-R22 Steam Era Models *Kit* VR Wooden U-Type Van or HD-Type Plant-Truck HO Scale
SEM-R30T Steam Era Models *Kit* VR U-Type Short-Steel Louvre-Van with Trap-Door at One-End HO Scale
TWM-136 Rail Motor Models/Train World PBGY Multi-Freighter #0006L SCT Broken Stripe/Grey Roof HO scale
TWM-1379 Rail Motor Models/Train World PBGY Multi-Freighter #0079C SCT Broken Stripe/Grey Roof HO scale
TWM-14103 Rail Motor Models/Train World PBGY Multi-Freighter #0103Y SCT Full Stripe/Grey Roof HO scale
TWM-14144 Rail Motor Models/Train World PBGY Multi-Freighter #0144 SCT Full Stripe/Grey Roof HO scale
TWM-1534 Rail Motor Models/Train World PBGY Multi-Freighter #0034R SCT Broken Stripe/Black Roof HO scale