Free Standard Shipping For All Orders Over $200 (Australian online orders only), all locomotives are tested and have been opened.
AUS-VFW88 Auscision RY Open Wagon, VR Wagon Red (1964-1971 era) 6 pack HO Scale
AUS-VFW89 Auscision RY Open Wagon, VR Wagon Red (1971-1990 era) 6 pack HO Scale
AUS-VHW02 Auscision VHAF-Type Phosphate-Hopper Wagon Red with V/Line Logos #VHAF 501-R; 504-V; 508-L & 510-Q (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW03 Auscision VHHF-Type Phosphate-Hopper Tangerine/Grey with V/Line Freight Logos #VHFF 612-K; 613-T; 610-P & 609-T (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW07 VHDY-Type Cement Hopper Wagon Red with V/Line Logos #VHDY-116-F; 121-Y; 122-A & 124-S (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW08 VHDY-Type Dolomite Hopper Wagon Red with V/Line Logos #VHDY-128-P; 206-L; 207-U & 208-G (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW09 VHDY-Type Dolomite Hopper Tangerine/Grey with V/Line Logos #VHDX 203-D; 205-V; 206-H & 207-D (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW14 VHSF-Type Sand Hopper Tangerine/Orange with V/Line Freight Logos #VHSF325-R; 310-K; 338-G & 329-H (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW15 VHSF-Type Sand Hopper Green/Yellow with Large Freight Australia Logos #VHSF-311-T; 302-U; 309-Y & 313-Y (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW16 VHSF-Type Sand Hopper Red/Green/Yellow with Large Freight Australia Logos #VHSF-306-K; 315-J; 305-B & 307-T (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW19 VHQF-Type Quarry-Hopper V2 Green/Yellow with Freight Victoria Logos #VHQF-422-Y; 420-T; 414-B & 413-P (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW20 VHQF-Type Quarry-Hopper V2 Green with Small Freight Australia Logos #VHQF-272-R; 406-L; 407-U & 423-A (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW21 VHQF-Type Quarry-Hopper V2 Green/Yellow with Large Freight Australia Logos #VHQF-202-N; 213-B; 419-A & 424-J (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VHW22 VHQF-Type Quarry-Hopper V2 Blue/Green/Yellow with Pacific National Logos #VHQF-259-S; 271-X; 225-E & 416-T (4-Pack) HO Scale
AUS-VLV21 Auscision VLCX Louvred Van, VR Wagon Red with No Logo - 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VLV22 Auscision VLCX Louvred Van, VR Wagon Red with V/Line Logo - 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VLV24 Auscision VLCX Louvred Van, Freight Australia Green with FA Logo - 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VLV28 Auscision VBBX Box Van, VR Wagon Red with No Logo & 4 Louvre Doors - 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VLV29 Auscision VBBX-Type Box-Van (4-Pack) 4-Louvre & Plain-Doors VR Wagon-Red with V/Line-Logo #31A, 54U, 64F & 116N HO Scale
AUS-VLV30 Auscision BLF Box Van, VR Wagon Red with Large VR Logo, Aligned Bogies & 4 Louvre Doors - 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VLV31 Auscision VBBY Box Van, VR Wagon Red with Blue Circle Cement & Large VR Logos with Aligned Bogies & 4 Door 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VLV33 Auscision VBBF Box Van, VR Wagon Red with V/Line Logo with Aligned Bogies & 4 Louvre Doors - 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VSW01 Auscision CSX Coil Steel Wagon, VR Wagon Red with Small VR Logos & without Tarpaulin Support Hoops - 4 Car Pack HO Scale
AUS-VSW02 Auscision CSX Coil Steel Wagon, VR Wagon Red with Small VR Logos & Tarpaulin Support Hoops - 4 Car Pack HO Scale