Free Standard Shipping For All Orders Over $200 (Australian online orders only), all locomotives are tested and have been opened.
BGM-RKIY Broad Gauge Models Kit RKIY-Type Container-Wagon National Rail HO-Scale
BGM-RRIY Broad Gauge Models Kit RRIY-Type Container-Wagon Pacific National HO-Scale
LSM-LTHOME Lyndons Trains *Kit* VR Early M wagon HO Scale
LSM-LTNICT Lyndons Trains *Kit* VR IC Tippler kit twin pack N Scale
LSM-NIARLT Lyndons Trains *Kit* VR I/IA Tommy Bent "Reinforced" sides kit twin pack N Scale
PBW-014 Peter Boormans Workshop Kit NSWGR K-Type Open-Wagon N-Scale
PBW-020 Peter Boormans Workshop Kit NSWGR LCH Coal-Hopper N-Scale
PLM-LF600DB Link-Line by Powerline Australian Outline Gondola Dark Blue HO
PLM-LF600G Link-Line by Powerline Australian Outline Gondola Grey HO
PLM-LF600I Link-Line by Powerline Australian Outline Gondola Indian Red HO
PLM-LF600K Link-Line by Powerline Australian Outline Gondola Black HO
RMM-ADB Railmotor Models Kit VR VHBY-Type Briquette-Hopper HO Scale
RMM-ADQ2 Railmotor Models Kit VHQF-Type Quarry-Hopper (V/Line Freight & Pacific National Decals) HO-Scale
RMM-ADR Railmotor Models Kit V/Line VHRX-Type Rutile-Hopper HO Scale
RMM-ADSA Railmotor Models Kit V/Line VHFF-Type Soda Ash-Hopper HO Scale
RMM-P1 Railmotor Models Kit V/Line -VR VHFF/X-Type Phosphate-Hopper HO Scale
RMM-Q1 Railmotor Models Kit VHQF-Type Quarry-Hopper (VR & V/Line Decals) HO-Scale
SEM-R01E Steam Era Models *Kit* VR GY-Type Open-Wagon with Original Handbrake Rigging (1957-1968) HO Scale
SEM-R01L Steam Era Models *Kit* VR GY-Type Open-Wagon with Modified Handbrake Rigging (1965-Withdrawal) HO Scale
SEM-R02 Steam Era Models *Kit* VR I/IA-Type Open-Wagon HO Scale
SEM-R03 Steam Era Models *Kit* VR IY-Type Open-Wagon HO Scale
SEM-R04E Steam Era Models *Kit* VR U-Type Louvre-Van with Original Lever Handbrake Rigging HO Scale
SEM-R04L Steam Era Models *Kit* VR U-Type Louvre-Van with Modernised Lever Handbrake Rigging HO Scale
SEM-R04W Steam Era Models *Kit* VR U-Type Louvre-Van with Wide-Doors & Wheel-Handbrake HO Scale