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Met-Pn932 Metcalfe (Card Kit) Single-Track Engine-Shed (Stone) N-Scale Structures
Met-Pn932 Metcalfe (Card Kit) Single-Track Engine-Shed (Stone) N-Scale Structures
Met-Pn932 Metcalfe (Card Kit) Single-Track Engine-Shed (Stone) N-Scale Structures
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Met-Pn932 Metcalfe (Card Kit) Single-Track Engine-Shed (Stone) N-Scale Structures Met-Pn932 Metcalfe (Card Kit) Single-Track Engine-Shed (Stone) N-Scale Structures

MET-PN932 Metcalfe (Card Kit) Single-Track Engine-Shed (Stone) N-Scale

  • $27.50 AUD

Single-Track Engine-Shed (Stone)

Based on a Great Western style single engine shed. Ideal for branch lines and small layouts.

This model is detailed inside and out with a small workshop at the rear.

The stonework matches our builders kit PN901 Cut stonework M1 style


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