Free Standard Shipping For All Orders Over $200 (Australian online orders only), all locomotives are tested and have been opened.
IFM-WGL001 Infront Models Wire-Load 'NSWGR' S-Type Wagon HO-Scale
IFM-WGL002 Infront Models Strapped Sheet-Metal Load HO-Scale
IFM-WGL006 Infront Models Ore-Load NOFF-Type Ore-Wagon 'Çolumbia Models' HO-Scale
IFM-WGL007 Infront Models Sleeper-Load BDY/NODY DDX/NODX-Type Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL008 Infront Models Sleeper-Load NSWGR S-Type Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL009 Infront Models Milled Timber-Load NSWGR S/K-Type Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL010 Infront Models Coal-Load NSWGR K-Type Open-Wagons (TrainOrama) HO-Scale
IFM-WGL011 Infront Models Coal-Load NSWGR BCH-Type Coal-Hoppers HO-Scale
IFM-WGL012 Infront Models Coal-Load NSWGR S-Type Open-Wagons (TrainOrama) HO-Scale
IFM-WGL017 Infront Models Pipe-Load 45' Cast-Concrete with Large-Holes HO-Scale
IFM-WGL018 Infront Models Pipe-Load 45' Cast-Concrete with Small-Holes HO-Scale
IFM-WGL021 Infront Models Pipe-Load (Strapped) NSWGR S-Type Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL022 Infront Models Coil Wire Load '20 Piece Pack' HO-Scale
IFM-WGL023 Infront Models Pipe-Load (Strapped) with Crandle 22' Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL024 Infront Models Pipe-Load (Loose) S-Type Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL025 Infront Models Pipe-Load (Strapped) 22' Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL027 Infront Models Pipe-Load (Cast Concrete) 22' Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL028 Infront Models Drum-Load (44 Gallon) 22' Open-Wagons 'K, GY & OBF' HO-Scale
IFM-WGL029 Infront Models Drum-Load (44 Gallon) NSWGR S-Type Open-Wagons HO-Scale
IFM-WGL030 Infront Models Sleeper-Load 22' Open-Wagons HO-Scale