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494-Ntz2 Nixtrainz 21-Pin Decoder Buddy-Mini With 1K Ohm Resistors Onboard Controller
494-Ntz2 Nixtrainz 21-Pin Decoder Buddy-Mini With 1K Ohm Resistors Onboard Controller
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494-NTZ2 Nixtrainz 21-Pin Decoder Buddy-Mini with 1K Ohm Resistors Onboard

  • $31.80 AUD

21-Pin Decoder Buddy-Mini
1K Ohm Resistors Onboard

The Decoder Buddy Mini was developed to fit into smaller steam and diesel applications. There has also been interest in HOn3 and S-Gauge applications.

This mother board does not include the 21 Pin Decoder.

This mother board requires soldering.

This printed circuit board is NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN A DC SYSTEM. However, if the decoder you are using supports DC operation it should work.

The Mini comes with three different sets of standard resistors 2.2K, 1K and “0” Ohm. The dealers and distributors stock 1K versions unless otherwise stated.

I can substitute / supply custom specified resistors for function outputs. These may be requested by the email link.

The mother board includes:

One 21 Pin Decoder receptacle
Two pairs of track input pads
One pair of motor output pads
One set of stay alive pads (U+, GND and if necessary, a third control wire) If using an ESU ‘Power Pack’ we recommend A10 as mentioned below.
Two logic outputs to control a Power Pack, smoke unit(s) or servo. The two logic output pads are 5 volt outputs with no resistors and controlled by A10 and A6 as labeled.
One pair of speaker pads
The correct headlight orientation is shown on the Mini.

Resistors for use with LED lighting. The “0” ohm resistors accommodate previously installed LEDs with resistors in line and “12-volt LEDs”. It is IMPORTANT to realize that resistors must be used when LEDs are connected to the four lighting outputs of the “0” Ohm or the Tiny!!! Resistors may be soldered in line when purchased or the included resistors may be soldered inline upon installation.

Resistors for use with incandescent bulb lighting. Remember there are different incandescent lamp voltage requirements and current draw that must be taken into consideration also. A single or two separate bulbs may work but multiple bulbs can be problematic. The “0” ohm resistors should provide the voltage and current necessary for incandescent bulbs. A ½ watt resistor at the very least should be used to reduce the voltage to the bulb and heat is a major consideration in this installation. I strongly recommend LEDs.

Resistors included on the Mini are standard and 1K. Values of the smd resistors appear in a white circle on the package for both standard smd resistor values.


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