Free Standard Shipping For All Orders Over $200 (Australian online orders only), all locomotives are tested and have been opened.
ATL-20004871 Atlas Paired-Window Coach Virginian Railway #203 Green/Black HO-Scale
ATL-20004877 Atlas Single-Window Coach Canadian Pacific #986 Maroon/Black HO-Scale
ATL-20004956 Atlas Paired-Window Coach Chesapeake & Ohio #708 Grey/Blue/Yellow/Black HO-Scale
ATL-20004959 Atlas Paired-Window Coach Milwaukee Road #3312 Orange/Red/Black HO-Scale
ATL-20004965 Atlas Paired-Window Coach Northern Pacific #621 Green/Yellow/Black HO-Scale
AUS-44226 Auscision 442-Class #JL406 CFCLA Unique Livery without Buffers HO Scale DCC-Ready
AUS-8507 Auscision 85-class #8508 Freight Rail Blue HO scale DCC-Ready
AUS-8507S Auscision 85-class #8508 Freight Rail Blue HO scale DCC/Sound-Fitted
AUS-8508 Auscision 85-class #8509 Freight Rail Blue HO scale DCC-Ready
AUS-8509 Auscision 85-class #8504 Freight Rail Blue with Small Illumimated 'E' on Nose HO scale DCC-Ready
AUS-8510 Auscision 85-class #8502 FreightCorp Blue with Ditch-Lights HO scale DCC-Ready
AUS-8511 Auscision 85-class #8506 FreightCorp Blue with Ditch-Lights HO scale DCC-Ready
AUS-8512 Auscision 85-class #8507 FreightCorp Blue with Ditch-Lights HO scale DCC-Ready
AUS-AFV01 Auscision NSW TVF-Type Flexi-Van Container-Wagon PTC Black (1966-1979) #TVF-12402; 12405; 12407 & 12408 (4-Pack) HO-Scale
AUS-AFV02 Auscision NSW TVX-Type Flexi-Van Container-Wagon PTC Black (1966-1979) #TVX-12416; 12417; 12420 & 12421 (4-Pack) HO-Scale
AUS-AFV03 Auscision NSW TVF/TVX-Type Flexi-Van Container-Wagon PTC Blue (1974-1979) #TVF-12401; TVF-12403; TVX-12418 & TVX-12419 (4-Pack) HO-Scale
AUS-AFV04 Auscision VIC TVF-Type Flexi-Van Container-Wagon VR Wagon-Red (1964-1966) #TVF-16; TVF-18; TVF-19 & TVF-21 (4-Pack) HO-Scale
AUS-AFV05 Auscision VIC TVX-Type Flexi-Van Container-Wagon VR Wagon-Red (1964-1966) #TVX-22; TVX-23; TVX-24 & TVX-25 (4-Pack) HO-Scale
AUS-AFV06 Auscision VIC VQGX-Type Flexi-Van Container-Wagon VR Wagon-Red (1981-1994) #VQGX-6; VQGX-9; VQGX-11 & VQGX-125 (4-Pack) HO-Scale
AUS-BL04S Auscision BL-Class BL29 NR (Arrows) Orange/Grey HO-Scale DCC/Sound-Fitted
AUS-BL05 Auscision BL-Class BL35 NR (Arrows) Orange/Grey HO-Scale DCC-Ready
AUS-BL05S Auscision BL-Class BL35 NR (Arrows) Orange/Grey HO-Scale DCC/Sound-Fitted
AUS-BL07S Auscision BL-Class BL34 NR Charcoal Orange/Grey HO-Scale DCC/Sound-Fitted
AUS-BL08 Auscision BL-Class BL30 SteelLink Grey/White HO-Scale DCC-Ready